Call for posters
Poster submissions for the conference are closed.
Download the ESORICS 2021 Call for Posters here.
Submission guidelines
Each submission should contain a brief abstract, with an emphasis on the motivation for the work, and should describe the main contributions being presented. Submissions should only contain new and unpublished results and should point to the difference between the submission and any work under submission by the authors or any published work.
Submissions will be evaluated on their potential to stimulate fruitful discussions, facilitate the exchange of ideas, and promote collaborations.
Poster proposals must be formatted according to the LNCS Proceedings Template and are limited to 5 pages, not including references. Submissions are not anonymous, and must contain the authors’ names and affiliations. Accepted posters will be published in the proceedings.
Submissions must be in PDF and uploaded to the following EasyChair website: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=esorics2021 Submissions that do not comply with the formatting guidelines will be rejected without review. Questions shall be directed via email to the Posters Chair Simone Fischer-Hübner: esorics2021-posters [at] easychair [dot] org.
Important dates
All submissions must be received by 11:59 p.m. Berlin, Germany Time on the day of the corresponding deadline.
Submission deadline: | July 15, 2021 |
Notification to authors: | August 01, 2021 |
Camera ready due: | August 10, 2021 |
Conflict of Interest (CoI)
The program co-chairs require cooperation from both authors and PC members to prevent submissions from being evaluated by reviewers who have a conflict of interest. During the bidding procedure, PC members will be required to indicate potential CoIs. On the other hand, authors will be asked during the submission process to indicate any PC members with whom they share CoIs as well as the types of CoIs. That is, if they and one the authors 1) share an institutional affiliation at the time of submission; 2) had at any time in the past a supervisor/PhD student relationship; 3) have collaborated or published with in the prior two years; 4) are in some form of financial relationship, or have been at some point during the past two years; or 5) are related, or have close personal friendships. For other forms of conflict, authors must contact the chairs and explain the perceived conflict.
Program committee members who have conflicts of interest with a paper, including program co-chairs, will be excluded from discussing and reviewing the submission. Authors also need to notify the PC Chairs of any other reason or circumstance that creates a risk that professional judgement may be unduly influenced.
The chairs reserve the right to request further explanation and can remove non-mandatory conflicts at their discretion.
(Drawn from the ACM SIGMOD 2015 CFP)